
For school years 7 and above

Where: St Luke's

What's it about: Overflow:AM is our Sunday morning group for 11-16 year olds; second breakfasts, pastoral support and ongoing discipleship - our aim is to support young people to grow their own faith, and connect them into our wider community of young people and young adults.

By the time they get to this age, 11+ years, they want to come to church of their own accord, and Overflow:AM is one of the reasons why. A no holds barred approach to current events and Biblical teaching. If it's on TV, at the cinema or just a wild rumour this is the place to sort out the fact from fiction, and have a laugh in the process. Suitable for those who know nothing about God and for those who feel they know lots.

Registration for this group - and Kingdom Overflow's other ministries - is online. Filling in the registration form will sign you up for our sign in system, and for ongoing communication about any group/ministry you are interested in. Please find the registration form here: https://www.kingdomoverflow.com/get-connected

Contact: Youth Pastor