What is it?
The "PCC" is the acronym for The "Parochial Church Council". Under recent charity laws, the church has had to become a registered charity and so all PCC members are also Trustees of the Charity.
Who is on it?
Membership of the PCC is made up of a mixture of :
Congregation members, who are voted for at the Annual Parochial meeting.
Officers of the church, who are co-opted, and other co-opted members as the PCC sees fit.
Any clergy employed and licensed by the Diocese to operate in the parish.
The Vicar is the Chair of PCC and there is also a Lay or Vice-Chair from the congregation who presides at such times as during an interregnum or when the Vicar is away/sick, or whenever the Vicar and Lay chair mutually agree.
Who is not on it?
No-one can be a member of the PCC if they are also employed by the PCC.
Also, after someone voted in as a congregational member has been on PCC for three years they must step down and take at least one year out before being nominated.
The current members are:
Vicar - James Rigby - Chair
Ian Twine - Lay Chair
Chikezie Apakama - Churchwarden
Pete Newall - Churchwarden
Stuart Beck – Treasurer
Chris Cozier - Children & Families Minister
Tom Lambert - KIngdom Overflow Pastor / Safeguarding Officer
Ruth Newall – Pastoral Assistant
Ken Perkins - Moor Lane Church Vicar
Miles Picknell - CAP Debt Centre Manager
Rich Tomlin – Moor Lane Church Lay Chair
Phil Wright - Hospital Chaplain
Neil Barrett – Associate Minister
Ijeoma Blunt
Trevor Bright
Sharon Cottrell - Deanery Synod Representative
Bob Edwards
Christine Jee
Carly Lucas - Deanery Synod Representative
Lauren Malone
Christine Rose
Paul Rose
What is its purpose?
The PCC is responsible for the smooth running of the church, with particular responsibility for the stewardship of finances and resources, as well as ensuring that the church complies with all relevant legal, statutory and 'Good Practice' obligations.
To give a few examples, the PCC is responsible for
agreeing and overseeing an annual budget and arranging for audited accounts
ensuring we have a Child Protection Policy in place
ensuring CRB checks are carried where appropriate.
Who is in charge, the Vicar or the PCC?
To give an idea about roles:
If we were to employ someone in a new position, as we did when we created the post of Youth Pastor, then the PCC has to agree the expenditure. (We could not create the post if the PCC did not agree to create the post.) Once PCC has agreed to create the post and agreed a budget for it, then it is the responsibility of the Vicar to employ the right person for the job.
Email: admin@stlukescranham.org