The Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is a sub-committee of the Parochial Church Council (PCC). Its main responsibilities are to ensure that the Church’s income and expenditure are being administered properly and to advise the PCC on any financial policy or operational matter.
The Committee prepares the Annual Budget and recommends it to the full PCC for consideration and adoption. An overview presentation of the budget for the current year from the Treasurer can be viewed in the list of documents to be downloaded below. The Finance Committee meets about 7 or 8 times per annum and a monthly finance report prepared by the Treasurer is considered at each meeting along with requests for funding that have not been included in the original budget below £500. The Finance Committee does consider requests for funding above £500 but can only make a recommendation to the PCC or the Standing Committee for approval.
The Finance Committee has developed a Team approach to the duties usually invested in one Treasurer in most churches. This enables the workload to be spread and utilises the different skills and abilities of the Committee members
How can I begin to give regularly to the Church? Print and fill in the St Luke's Standing Order form at the bottom of this page and send directly to your bank. Contact Ron Gregory (details at the end of this page) for details of other ways to give regularly.
Is it possible to donate to the church online with my credit or debit card? Yes, you can either call the Church Office on 01708 222562 and you can donate over the phone or, if it is outside of office hours, you can leave a message for someone to call you back to take your donation. It is also possible to donate online and securely by using this link and then follow the onscreen instructions to make a regular or one off donation by card. Although this donation route is badged as Kingdom Overflow, it can be used by any member of any congregation to donate to the work of the Church. If you have already made a Gift Aid Declaration on behalf of the Church and you indicate this when donating, your donation will be worth 25% more to the Church.
Can I donate to the Church via online banking? Yes, please use the standing order form provided below to obtain the Church’s bank account details and remember to put your name in the reference box when setting up the Church as a payee when you use online banking
Can I use the Gift Aid Donation scheme if I wish to give in this way? Yes. Print and fill in the Gift Aid Declaration form at the bottom of this page and return to the Gift Aid Secretary c/o The Parish Office.
Where does the Church get its income from and what is it spent on every year? Independently examined accounts are available from the Church Office on request.
Why should I give to the Church? Because it is a biblical principle to do so. Please refer to any of the Clergy Team for further information on giving.
Team Members
Stuart Beck – Lay Chairman and Hon. Treasurer
Sharon Cottrell – Responsible for payments processing and accounting records
Sarah Walters – Responsible for Year End and Production of Accounts
Ron Gregory – Gift Aid Secretary
Minute Secretary - to be confirmed
Contact (in confidence)
Stuart Beck – any finance-related matter other than regular giving and Gift Aid. Contact:
Ron Gregory – regular giving and Gift Aid/any giving matter regarding the Moor Lane Church purchase. Contact:
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