
The Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is a sub-committee of the Parochial Church Council (PCC). Its main responsibilities are to ensure that the Church’s income and expenditure are being administered properly and to advise the PCC on any financial policy or operational matter.

The Committee prepares the Annual Budget and recommends it to the full PCC for consideration and adoption. An overview presentation of the budget for the current year from the Treasurer can be viewed in the list of documents to be downloaded below. The Finance Committee meets about 7 or 8 times per annum and a monthly finance report prepared by the Treasurer is considered at each meeting along with requests for funding that have not been included in the original budget below £500. The Finance Committee does consider requests for funding above £500 but can only make a recommendation to the PCC or the Standing Committee for approval.

The Finance Committee has developed a Team approach to the duties usually invested in one Treasurer in most churches. This enables the workload to be spread and utilises the different skills and abilities of the Committee members 


Team Members

Contact  (in confidence)

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Documents for download