MfC: Men following Christ

Who are we?

The MfC are a group of men from within St Lukes, Moor Lane or other church congregations, that call ourselves Christian because we have met and accepted Jesus and the way we think and feel about life has changed as a result. 

Its not about the church you go to, its about following Christ.

Jesus was passionate, dynamic, courageous, determined and committed, leading a life that honoured his Father God, and advancing his kingdom. We are a bunch of guys that recognise the importance of encouraging and motivating each other to accept Jesus, and receive all he has for us. To be like Jesus.......and to follow Jesus.........hence the name! 

Some have been a Christian for a while, some only recently, and one or two who are just curious.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive details of events we attend or activities we put on click here - SUBSCRIBE 


A chance to get together and do blokes stuff. Beer, food, BBQs, playing and/or watching sport, providing a chance to bring your mates along knowing they won’t get grilled about God or church (unless they want to!) Take a look at the events page for whats coming up. 


We all face pressure and responsibility which is sometimes hard to grapple with on our own, (marriage, relationships, kids, money, work…… Its important to spend time with others sharing what the Bible has to say and supporting each other through the challenges we are facing. Be encouraged to get together with a couple of other Christian guys to read and pray together. If you would like some guidance on what might suit you best, please email us at


We should not just talk, pray and sing about who Jesus is and why we follow him. First and foremost, Jesus calls us to actually do what he did, and this is where men really do need to 'follow Christ'. There are a number us within the group who are involved in activities that endeavour to provide tangible support and encouragement to the poor, the lonely, and those struggling with debt . Perhaps this is something you would like to get involve with? To learn more about it here are details for some of the ministries involved;

Above Us Only Sky?  An organisation that provides immediate, tangible support to those having to sleep on the streets

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) An organisation that provides tangible support to those who find themselves in financial difficulty.

Healing on The Streets Adopted by St Lukes, the Healing on the Streets model is a gentle, non confrontational way of connecting with people on the streets of our community and introducing them to Jesus.

Hope 4 Havering working with the homeless in Havering and, in particular, the Romford area. A few in our congregation are involved in assisting with resourcing a night shelter for the homeless.