About Us
St. Luke’s, Moor Lane and Kingdom Overflow are all lively, modern and informal Church of England congregations within the Cranham Park parish. We want to share as widely as possibly the impact Jesus Christ can have and give you a glimpse of what He is doing in the lives of those who follow Him.
Whether you would normally associate yourself with "church" or not there's lots of great stuff on this website that should help you with what you want to know.
What happens on a Sunday and during the week?
What about children, on a Sunday and during the week?
I'm planning a wedding or baptism, what do I do?
I'm coming to an event at your church, where are you?
What's going on this week?
If you can't find what you're looking for then give us a call or just turn up; we offer everyone a warm welcome.
Why Two Churches?
One parish, same overall Vicar and we do many things together (eg our youth work), so why are there two churches here?
St Luke's Church
St Luke's is the Parish church, established in the 50's as Cranham began to grow from a tiny hamlet to an established large village. The parish now has around 13,000 residents - more than enough for any one church to try and serve effectively.
Moor Lane Church
In the 80's, a church building became available at the other side of the parish and the decision was made to 'plant' a congregation into it. Since then, Moor Lane Church has grown and thrived and serves its part of Cranham effectively as well as being part of the parish-wide ministry.
The Church Of England
St Luke's Cranham with Moor Lane Church is part of the Church of England.
The Church of England is organised nationally into regions, each called a Diocese; we are in The Diocese of Chelmsford led by Bishop Guli, assisted by Bishop Lynne (the Bishop of Barking). The Church of England is itself part of the worldwide Anglican Church, which has more than 70 million members spread across 161 countries.
St Luke's and Moor Lane may not look like traditional Anglican Churches from the outside - but we are very much part of the local and national Church of England. In practice, that means we have certain local responsibilities - such as baptisms and weddings - and it also means that we have a financial responsibility towards the Diocese and other parishes.
We are a registered charity, number: 1128304
Parish Ministry Team
James Rigby
Email James
Ken Perkins
Associate Minister
Email Ken
Tom Lambert
Kingdom Overflow Pastor
Email Tom
Currently Vacant
Children's Pastor
Miles Picknell
CAP Centre Manager
Email Miles
Phil Wright
Hospital Chaplain
Chris Rose
Licensed Lay Minister
Email Chris
Ruth Newall
Parish Pastoral Assistant
Email Ruth
Ministry Teams
Support Teams
Parochial Church Council Support Teams
Parochial Church Council (PCC): Chair - Vicar - currently vacant (More...)
Church Wardens - Chikezie Apakama & Peter Newall (More...)
Finance Team: Chair - Stuart Beck (More...)
Standing Committee: Chair - Vicar - James Rigby (More...)
Mission Support (More...)
Building Maintenance Team: Chair - John Harwood (More...)
Moor Lane Church Council: Chair (More...)