Moor Lane Church Council
The Moor Lane Church Council (MLCC) was formed during 2010 as a replacement for the previous Moor Lane Leadership Team, which had been appointed rather than elected. It has been formed as part of the process to help Moor Lane congregation move towards the possibility of being a District Church. As such, the MLCC is an elected body, and has a similar role for Moor Lane Church as the PCC does for the whole parish. As part of that process, the Chair and Lay Chair of the MLCC are co-opted on to the PCC to specifically represent the interests and needs of Moor Lane Church, and to report on the operations of Moor Lane Church to the parish.
The MLCC is mainly responsible for ensuring the maintenance of Sunday services, and advising the PCC of any works/redecoration/equipment needs of the church. This is why they are listed both under Worship Service Leaders and Parochial Church Council support teams.
Team Members
Ken Perkins (Chair)
Rich Tomlin (Lay Chair)
Brenda Goodfellow
Lynda Heather
Christine Jee
Margaret Mariner
Steve Fletcher